My MK1 Golf, Dilbert

Documenting my Mk1 Golf show car build

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Status report

Posted by marc keeley |

Just thought I'd say sorry to anyone who was expecting loads of progress photos. There will be plenty of photos when the time comes but we're really still at the planning/preparation stage. The aim is to be ready for the end of Spring which gives us enough time, with luck, to be able to spend this time upfront brain storming ideas until we come up with designs we really like. As is the norm we've spent countless hours researching and discussing ideas.

So here's a quick status report:

The leather hides have now been delivered so the basic interior colour is definitely tan. We still need to finalise the designs for the door cards and parcel shelf and decide whether or not to go tan for the head lining.

The Happich rear pop-outs have also arrived in their retro box!

My brother, James, has now moved house and will be setting up his shed so he can start the mirror polishing in earnest and relative comfort.


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