My MK1 Golf, Dilbert

Documenting my Mk1 Golf show car build

Thursday, September 10, 2009

A German lesson

Posted by marc keeley |

If you need to look on eBay Germany for parts, as there's much more choice than in the UK, here is a list of translations I've noted down that should be of help. It's not exhaustive but gives you a good start. First though here are a few tips for buying from Germany.

  1. Not all sellers ship outside Germany, however they often seem happy to so ask before bidding.
  2. Not all take PaPal, unlike here German sellers are not obliged to allow PayPal payments. If not listed as a payment type it's still worth asking.
  3. Bank transfers, you'll normally be charged to transfer money to a foreign account. Make sure you know how much you will be charged before bidding as it may turn your bargain in to an expensive purchase. Another disadvantage is that it is harder to get your money back if anything goes wrong. Personally if I can't pay via PayPal I don't bother.
  4. Unless your German is a lot better than mine then you'll need to use a translator. If you're using Internet Explorer 8 select Page>Translate with Live Search from the command toolbar. If you're using a different browser then go to the Live Search page. You'll need to tell it that you're translating from German.
  5. If you need to ask the seller questions keep your english simple and don't use slang or abbreviations they're unlikely to understand or be unable to translate. It's not a good idea to send them the results of an online translator unless you're sure that it isn't jibberish. Send it in English, they can translate it if required.
Alternator = Lichtmaschine
Alternator bracket = Lichtmaschinen-Halter
Belt release wheel/pulley = Riemenspanner-Rad
Bolts = Sechskantschrauben
Bonnet = Motorhaube
Bonnet catch (top) = Motorhaubenverriegelung
Bonnet hinges = Motorhaube Scharniere / Motorhaubenscharnier
Bonnet lock (bottom) = Motorhaubenschloss
Bonnet struts (actually could be hatch struts) = Heckklappen- Dämpfer
Brake callipers = Bremssättel
Brake master cylinder = Hauptbremszylinder
Dipstick = Ölmeßstab
Distributor bracket = Zündverteiler-Halter
Distributor cap = Verteilerkappe
Door handles = Türgriffe
Door pins = Türpinne
Engine bracket = Motorträger
Engine mounts = Motorlager
Expansion tank = Ausgleichsbehälter
Filler cap = Tankdeckel
Gear knob = Schaltknauf
Grille = Kühlergrill
Handbrake = Handbremshebel
HT lead covers = Zündkerzenstecker
Hub caps = Felgendeckel
Indicator stalks = Lenkstockhebel
Instrument/dial rings = Tachoringe
Instruments = Armatur
Jubilee clips = Schlauchschellen
Mirror = Spiegel
Oil cap = Öldeckel
Oil filter bracket = Ölkühler Halter
Opening quarter window = Drehfenster
Petrol cap = Tankdeckel
Radiator = Wasserkühler
Rocker cover = Ventildeckel / Zylinder Deckel
Seal = Dichtung
Seal for opening quarter = Drehfenster Dichtung
Servo = Bremskraftverstärker
Servo bracket = Bremskraftverstärker Halter
Starter motor = Starter
Steering wheel = Sportlenkrad / Holzlenkrad
Steering wheel hub = Lenkradnabe
Sump = Ölwanne
Valve cap = Ventilkappen
Vent (air) = Lüftungsgitter
Water pump = Wasserpumpe
Wing (fender) Screw = Kotflügel Schrauben
Wiper arm = Wischerarme


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